Every four years, students in the graphic design course Color and Form in Surface Design are challenged by their professors to create their own screen printed Get Out the Vote poster for the U.S. General Election.

Each poster is the product of a three-layered handmade screen print. With a focus on encouraging their fellow students to vote, rather than trying to promote one party over another, a key component of the design process involves creating an image that successfully captures the importance of voting.
All of the students’ final prints are on display through November 10th at the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library. The posters are also displayed in the University of Minnesota’s Wilson Library on the West Bank campus, Magrath Library on the St. Paul campus, and outside of room B3 in McNeal Hall.
The following post was written by graphic design student Sophia Norwood.
Ryan Carlson (Graphic Design ‘01) was never formally trained in wicking fabrics, business best practices, or bicycle engineering; but since its launch in 2005, his company Twin Six has expanded from on-trend cycling apparel to a full line of accessories and gear—most recently, a line of bicycles.
Students in GDes 3353: Packaging and Display partnered with a student group from the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) last fall to create a brand identity for a proposed tap house on the St. Paul campus.