General Information
Advising & Program Contacts
The director of graduate studies serves as the general advisor for incoming graduate students and is the permanent advisor for Master of Architecture students. The directors of the individual MS tracks and the Masters of Heritage Studies and Public History program serve as program advisors for their students.
If you are having trouble finding the information you are looking for please contact the School of Architecture’s director of graduate studies and graduate program coordinator.
Director of Graduate Studies: Federico Garcia Lammers
Graduate Program Coordinator: Terence Rafferty
Examining Committees
Based on your graduate program, you may also need to form an examining committee as part of your degree. This committee is formed by each student in consultation with their advisor. You should discuss appropriate examining committee members with your advisor, then make an appointment to ask the proposed committee members if they would be willing and available to serve on your examining committee.
The University of Minnesota distinguishes between three formats for master’s degree completion: Plan A, B, and C. These formats differ in terms of their requirements for an examination committee, final examination, and document submission. See the School of Architecture’s Graduate Student handbook to determine your particular master’s degree completion format(s).
Graduate Degree Planning & Completion
While it is not required for architecture graduate students to file an official degree plan, you are strongly encouraged to be in regular contact with your graduate program advisor to ensure that you are meeting all degree requirements. You can also review the sample program plans to help with your degree planning.
As you draw closer towards the end of your graduate studies, there are graduate degree requirements that you will need to complete as part of your degree progress. Master in Architecture degree candidates have seven years from the first-semester course enrollment as a graduate student in which to complete the program requirements and submit the Plan C document. All other master’s degree candidates have five years from the first-semester course enrollment as a graduate student in which to complete program requirements. All students must remain registered each semester (fall and spring) to maintain their graduate student status.
All students must complete the required coursework before pursuing their master’s final examination. Learn more about the different graduate degree requirements for School of Architecture graduate students.
Architecture (Professional Track) Career Resources
- AIA Code of Ethics
- AIA Guidelines for crediting work
- AIA-Minnesota
- Local job postings and directory of Minnesota Firms
- AIA Salary Guide
- Architectural Experience Program (AXP)
- Internship requirements for becoming a licensed architect.
- Royal Institute of British Architects
- International job postings and architecture career resources
- Summer 2020 Architecture Resources
Requesting Class Syllabi
Looking for a class syllabus? Please reach out to Robert Glunz to request a copy of a syllabus for a previous or upcoming architecture class.
University-Wide Student Resources
Career & Employment
Design Justice
Design Justice is committed to creating space, policies, and practices within our college that support the inclusion and retention of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and other historically underinvested communities.
Mental Health Advocates
The College of Design Mental Health Advocates (MHA) are not counselors. MHAs are trained to identify and respond to students in distress, and refer them to possible resources. MHAs focus on mental health concerns of students but are available to talk with faculty and staff.
Mental Health Resources
The College of Design is committed to supporting the mental health of its faculty, staff, and students. Support resources can be found at mentalhealth.umn.edu, a comprehensive central hub that contains helpful information for all members of the College of Design and University community.