Not sure where to start? The University of Minnesota's Graduate School has dedicated resources for helping you understand your funding options.
For specific funding questions related to your program, please contact your program’s graduate program coordinator.
- Architecture Graduate Program Coordinator: Terence Rafferty
- Design Graduate Program Coordinator: Steve Yang
- Human Factors & Ergonomics Graduate Program Coordinator: Steve Yang
- Landscape Architecture Graduate Program Coordinator: Steve Yang

Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions about how to pay for graduate school. We have answers.

Cost of attendance is the sum of tuition and fees, housing, course materials (such as textbooks), and personal expenses. You can calculate your cost of attendance for your graduate program using the University of Minnesota’s One Stop graduate cost overview.
Fellowships are donor contributions made to financially support graduate students without teaching or research responsibilities. All graduate students are automatically considered for College of Design fellowships—no additional application is necessary.