Thanks to the generosity of our donors the college has a number of fellowships set-up to support our graduate students. For the vast majority of our fellowships, students are automatically considered based on their graduate program and interests so there is no need to apply for them separately. For those fellowships that do require an application, notices are sent out by our graduate program directors over email.
Architecture Fellowships
BWBR Fellowship in Architecture
To assist M Arch degree students in the School of Architecture.
Clemence Award for Design Excellence
The fund's purpose is to encourage excellence and creativity in young architects. The Clemence Award is given to graduate students in the College of Design who are studying architecture and have showcased a unique vision and strength in design.
George Gorbatenko, Jr. Memorial Fellowship
This fellowship honors George G. Gorbatenko, Jr. who received a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Minnesota in 1984 to beautify peoples' environments through architecture and urban design and, in the process of doing so, help the under-served or those in poverty. For a professional M.Arch or MS Sustainable Design in Architecture student who has demonstrated an interest in housing, urban design, or sustainable design.
Jon Pope Leadership in Architecture Award
To provide financial support for students pursuing an M.Arch degree.
The KKE-Ron Krank Vision Award
This award honors Ron Krank, B.Arch.’59, principal of the Minneapolis firm KKE Architects, whose vision of serving and understanding clients, went beyond buildings to comprehensive solutions. It is for professional M. Arch GD2 students who demonstrate a vision of architecture as providing comprehensive solutions to the built and social environment. A call for applications and submission requirements are circulated to students annually in May.
Meyer Award for Professional Architecture
To provide financial support to graduate or professional students, enrolled in the College of Design, studying for their Master of Science in Architecture - Research Practices, who demonstrate financial need and academic merit.
Saul Parness Fellowship
Awarded to students who are full-time graduate students studying architecture, who have demonstrated a strong academic record and have financial need.
Sullivan Family Graduate Fellowship
This fellowship is for professional M.Arch students (GD1 and GD2) who show evidence of high academic achievement, demonstrated design accomplishments, may have had international travel experiences, and have had some practical professional experience.
Additional Fellowships
Frederick Bentz Fellowship in Architecture
Richard Morrill Memorial Fund
Class of '67 Graduate Scholarship Fund
Hein Trust Income
May Ohrbeck Painter Graduate Fellowship
Ochs Brick Fund
Bruce Abrahamson Fellowship in Architecture
Bill and Elizabeth Pedersen Graduate Fellowship in Architecture
Leonard Parker Fund
Theodore R. Butler Graduate Fellowship
AIA Minneapolis Graduate Fellowship
Elness Swenson Graham Fellowship in Architecture
Design Democracy Fellowship
J. Stephen Weeks Fellowship in Architecture
Randy and Bill Vosbeck Fellowship in Architecture
Pickard Chilton Fellowship in Architecture
Robert "Bob" Mack Fellowship for Heritage Preservation
Design Graduate Program Fellowships
Buckman Endorsement Fund
To support graduate students in the Department of Design, Housing and Apparel.
Clara Brown Arny Leadership Assistantship
Provides assistantship funding for a graduate student in the Department of Design, Housing and Apparel, which includes Apparel Studies, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Product Design, and Human Factors and Ergonomics.
Ethel L. Phelps Assistantship
Funding for a graduate student assistantship in textile studies.
Housing Studies Fellowship
To provide a fellowship to graduate students at the U of M according to the following guidelines: enrolled in the Housing Studies program working toward a graduate degree or in the graduate certificate program; in good academic standing; in need of financial support; exceptional in their field.
Marilyn Revell DeLong Fellowship
To provide funding for graduate fellowships for students pursuing a Ph.D degree related to apparel design, historic dress, or aesthetics in the College of Design. Students must be making timely progress towards completion of the degree, have a viable research proposal for the dissertation, and need funding to complete the research for the degree. Students must be academically meritorious.
Museum Studies Professional Development Fund
To support students in the Museum Studies Graduate Minor program pay for membership fees, annual conference costs and travel expenses for the Costume Society of America.
Nancy Owens Bryant Fund
Provides financial support for full-time graduate students enrolled in the program in apparel design who demonstrate exceptional potential in their field.
Peggy Henry Matthews Graduate Fellowship
Supports graduate students in the Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel, particularly those pursuing the apparel emphasis.
Landscape Architecture Fellowships
A. Dale Chapman Fellowship
The Chapman Forestry Foundation awards annual scholarships to students in the landscape architecture program. Criteria for this award include: full-time undergraduate students going into third, fourth, or fifth year of the design studio sequence with a minimum 3.0 overall GPA; full-time entering or continuing graduate student majoring in landscape architecture; an active member of the student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects the previous academic year; and possible consideration of financial need.
Ager Fellowship
This gift was founded by distinguished alumnus, Xiaowei Ma (MLA 1998). Ma is the founding principal of Ager Group, an international multidisciplinary design firm offering integrated services in urban planning, landscape architecture, and architecture. This gift demonstrates Mr. Ma’s commitment to the Landscape Architecture Department’s role in educating leading professionals by supporting outstanding graduate students for global practice.
Clinton N. Hewitt Prize
Clinton Hewitt has contributed 30 remarkable years to the University of Minnesota as a professor and campus planner. During that tenure, he involved superb landscape architects on every possible project. His passion for campus planning and design and his talent for communicating the success of a university through adherence to a campus master plan. Through that dedication, he has greatly expanded the understanding of the impact of landscape architecture. His equally important legacy is his helping many other minority designers achieve success. His leadership is celebrated through the establishment, by friends and colleagues, of the Clinton N. Hewitt Fellowship—an award given to students with exceptional potential in the field of landscape architecture.
The Edmund J. Phelps Memorial Fund
Edmund J. Phelps Memorial Fund is dedicated to developing students who are capable of: exploring the relationships of design, planning, and management to environmental quality and person-environment experiences; and creating and managing quality environments for human use and enjoyment. The fund aids student(s) in the pursuit of graduate education in landscape architecture. The Landscape Architecture faculty and the Phelps Fund Advisory Committee selects recipients based on: the academic record of the applicant, statements of intent in pursuing graduate education in landscape architecture at the University of Minnesota, letters of reference, and the ability of the applicants to pursue graduate studies without financial assistance.
Founders Fund Graduate Fellowship
The intent of the gift is to honor all founders of the department of landscape architecture, including key volunteers and donors Herb Baldwin, Roger Clemence, and Roger Martin. The Fellowship will be awarded annually to a deserving student(s) through the department head, or through the department head’s agent, such as the director of graduate studies or a departmental scholarship committee.
Girard K. Fellowship
This fund supports architecture and landscape architecture students enrolled in graduate programs who demonstrate unique collaborative design leadership expertise in working with fellow students, faculty, the profession, or the public. Collaborative leadership is defined as the demonstrated ability to lead other individuals, to discover creative and outstanding architectural and/or landscape architectural design alternatives that leverage the input of diverse groups, expertise, and/or points of view for the betterment of the ultimate design solution.
The Jo Tushie Endowed Fellowship
This gift honors the memory of Jo Tushie, whose work with the firm Tushie Montgomery exemplified her belief that “imagination is more important than knowledge.” The purpose of the fellowship is to assist Master of Landscape Architecture professional degree students who demonstrate academic achievement and design accomplishments or potential in the spirit of “imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Kopischke-Westwood Graduate Fellowship
The Kopischke-Westwood Graduate Fellowship in Landscape Architecture would like to honor the memory of University of Minnesota landscape architecture alumnus and Westwood principal, Greg Kopischke, who held a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Minnesota. The fellowship assists deserving graduate students in the landscape architecture program.
Lindley-Curtice Scholarship
The purpose of the Lindley-Curtice Scholarship is to provide financial support to students at the University of Minnesota in the College of Design studying towards a degree being offered in the area of landscape architecture.
Gifts from more than 25 donors have helped established this scholarship to commemorate the Landscape Architecture department's late Graduate Program Coordinator, Jess Lindley-Curtice, who passed away on May 3, 2021.
Steven Andrews Fellowship
This gift honors the memory of Steven Andrews, who received a Master of Landscape Architecture degree in 2004. Steven was held in high esteem by faculty and classmates alike and provided leadership to his studio classmates. The fellowship is awarded to deserving students who demonstrate academic achievement, design accomplishments and, above all, leadership—especially leadership that demonstrates caring action—to peers, the department, and/or the community.