The College of Design invites current students and recent graduates to attend one of our fall career events! Are you an alumnus or employer who's hiring? Register to attend one of our events as an employer to meet our future designers.

College of Design Mentor Program Applications
September 6 – September 23
The College of Design's annual Mentor Program helps undergraduate juniors, seniors, and graduate students grow professionally by matching them with a mentor in their field of study. Mentoring pairs discuss student career goals and interests and then work together to pursue those goals through career exploration, networking, and professional skill development.
International Student Career Fair Preparation Workshops
Friday, September 16 | 12:00–1:00 PM & Monday, September 19 | 4:00–5:00 PM
Join this session to prepare for the upcoming career fairs! This event will feature helpful tips and information from presenters from ISSS and Career Services. All UMN international students who are attending fall career fairs are welcome to attend. This presentation will be offered live twice on two different dates and times. We recommend that you attend one of the two workshops
Retail Merchandising & Apparel Design Career Fair
Tuesday, September 20 | 1:00–4:00 PM
Northstar Ballroom, St. Paul Student Center
Connect with organizations for full-time opportunities and internships. At the fair, you'll be able to explore opportunities, engage with employers, and make an impression that can help you to stand out in the job or internship application process. Fields represented include product development, product design, buying, visual merchandising, store management, planning, creative design, and technical design.
Want to prep for the career fair? Keep an eye on the RM&AD Career Fair event page for details and registration for the following prep sessions:
- Monday, September 19 — Career Fair Prep Session & Resume Review Day
- Friday, September 23 — Practice Interview Day
Jobs Beyond Academia and The Tenure Track: Workshop Series for Graduate Students
September 22 – October 20 | Thursdays, 12:00–1:00 PM Online
This five-part workshop series highlights the most important areas of a graduate student’s job search beyond academia and the tenure track. By participating in the workshops, you will gain valuable insight from U of M career services experts and the chance to assess your own skills and goals. This workshops series is free and open to all U of M graduate and postdoctoral students. Each session informs and supports the other, but attendance to each session is not required.
- Thursday, September 22 | 12:00–1:00 PM Self-Assessment and Goal Setting: What are your strengths, skills, and values? Where are you going, and why?
- Thursday, September 29 | 12:00–1:00 PM Building Career Resilience: Accepting setbacks and loss of professional identity
- Thursday, October 6 | 12:00–1:00 PM Job Search Preparation: Employer research, networking, and position fit analysis
- Thursday, October 13 | 12:00–1:00 PM Resumes and Cover Letters: Target your documents and get the interview!
- Thursday, October 20 | 12:00–1:00 PM Interviewing and Negotiations: Introduction and frameworks
Built Environment Career Fair
Monday, October 17 | 10:00 AM–2:00 PM
Great Hall, Coffman Memorial Union
Connect with organizations for full-time opportunities and internships. At the fair, you'll be able to explore opportunities, engage with employers, and make an impression that can help you to stand out in the job or internship application process. Fields represented include construction management, architecture, building science and technology, engineering, facility management, interior design, and landscape architecture.
Want to prep for the career fair? Keep an eye on the Built Environment Career Fair event page for details and registration for the following prep sessions:
- Wednesday, October 5 — Resume Review Day
- Tuesday, October 11 — Practice Interview Day
Government & Nonprofit Career Fair
Friday, October 28 | 10:00 AM–3:00 PM
Great Hall, Coffman Memorial Union
The Government & Nonprofit Career Fair allows government and nonprofit agencies to meet with candidates and alumni from the 30 participating Minnesota four-year colleges and universities and participating regional colleges.
Learn more about College of Design-specific career events or visit the University of Minnesota's Career & Internship Services for job search strategies, resume help, interview tips, and more.