Sizing, Fit, Ergonomics and Manufacturing of Wearable Technology

T-shirts showing different fits

Most of the exciting developments in smart clothing and wearable technology happen first in the lab: in controlled environments using a small number of prototype garments and devices.


Before they can be manufactured and sold, there are many additional challenges to be addressed. For example: a garment with embedded sensors may work well when it is custom-designed to fit a specific person, so that the sensors end up in the right places. What happens when that same garment is made into a range of sizes and sold off-the-shelf? Where will these sensors end up on differently-shaped people? Our work looks at identifying key barriers to mass-production of wearable technology and smart clothing, and charting the lay of the land for each of these areas so that manufacturers can make good decisions and develop better products.

Funded by MNDrive Program and National Science Foundation (grants IIS-1116719, CNS-1253581)

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