Research Resources

Research, Creative Scholarship, & Engagement Events

2024/2025 RCSE Calendar Updated

Download the 2024/25 RCSE Calendar

The College of Design encourages research and creative scholarship with internal funding opportunities, proposal development workshops and retreats, and the Research and Creative Scholarship annual showcase. Faculty and researchers of all levels can find support for their research, creative scholarship, and engagement projects in design.

Funding Opportunities

Internal Funding Opportunities

Below are grants, awards, and other funding sources that are available exclusively to University of Minnesota faculty and researchers for research and creative scholarship. 

College of Design Collaborative Research Grant

Digital Design Center Grants

College of Design Imagine Grant

Graduate Student Funding

Research and Innovation Office Research Funding & Awards

External Funding Opportunities

The following are different curated lists of funding opportunities that are available to individuals from outside of the University of Minnesota.

Funding Opportunities of Interest to CDES

Industry Funding & Partnerships

Private Foundation RFPs

UMN Libraries Guide to Funding & Grants 

CDes Research Newsletter

A monthly newsletter for graduate students, faculty, and researchers featuring funding, education opportunities, events, and resources from the College of Design's Research, Engagement & Creative Scholarship Team.



Newsletter Archive

Research showcase crop

Proposal Development Support

Research Support Team