Malini Srivastava
Associate Professor, Architecture
Associate Dean for Research, Creative Scholarship, and Engagement
Director of the Master of Science in Architecture, Applied Research in Practice (MS-ARP)
Director of Consortium for Research Practices
Distinguished University Teaching Professor
Her work spans research, teaching, and practice in urban-scale pervasive play frameworks, high-performance architecture, responsive building skins and other interventions to address energy use in the built environment. To support her practice, she maintains certification as a Passive House Consultant. She is the Project Lead of efargo, a University-City-Utility partnership aimed at reducing city-wide energy use. Under her direction, the partnership developed pervasive energy games as a fundamental intervention method to impact large-scale energy use in buildings. The efargo project resulted in the City of Fargo winning the national Georgetown University Energy Prize in 2017.
Malini is the Co-Principal of the award-winning firm, Dandelab. Prior to that, she served as Senior Project Architect at Salmela Architect. Her formative years were spent at other Minnesota Practices such as MSR Design, VJAA, Snow Kreilich Architects and LEAD Inc. Her extensive involvement with projects has led to national and regional awards for design, preservation and efficiency, LEED certification, Passive House pre-certification and a Committee on the Environment National Top Ten Environmental building award.
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Master of Architecture, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Architecture, Sir J. J. School of Architecture, University of Mumbai (then Bombay)
Selected Publications
- 2016. Malini Srivastava. (principal author) and Mike Christenson (contributing author). “Additive Manufacturing: A Convergence of Form and Material in the Digital Age.” In Communicating Speculative and Creative Thinking (Proceedings of the 2016-2016 Design Communication Association Biennial Conference), Pray, MT: 303-309.
- 2018. Malini Srivastava. (principal author, NDSU) and Mike Christenson (principal author, UMN), “Play in Architectural Pedagogy: Shifting Allegiances and Trading Projects.” Abstract accepted, paper presented at Play with the Rules | 2018 ACSA Fall Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Publication forthcoming.
- 2018. Nick Braaksma & Malini Srivastava (principal authors, NDSU), Chad Ulven (contributing author, NDSU) “Exo-skins: self-actuating, thermally-responsive, laminated bio-composites as secondary environments.” In Facade Tectonics 2018 World Congress, Conference Proceedings (v. 1), Los Angeles, CA.
- 2018. Noor Abdelhamid, Benjamin Dalton, Mike Christenson, and Malini Srivastava. “Energy Analysis of Public School Buildings Through Visualization.” In Proceedings of the 2018 Design Communication Conference, p. 407-413.
- 2017. Malini Srivastava. (principal author) and Christofer Nelson (contributing author, Georgetown University). “The Energy Efficiency Prize: Simple Design to Overcome Complex Barriers.” In Proceedings, 2017 Conference of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC), Salt Lake City, UT.
- 2017. Huojun Yang (principal author), Malini Srivastava, Yanmei Xie, Yong Bai, Yao Yu, and Bradley Bowen (contributing authors). “Higher Education On Buildings: A Case Study In The Region Of North Dakota.” In ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering 23 (4). doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000278.
- 2016. Yang, H. (principal author) and Malini Srivastava. “Higher Education Buildings in North Dakota.” In Proceedings, International Green Energy Conference, Anchorage, AK.
- 2016. Malini Srivastava. “Pervasive Urban Energy Game: A Playful Way to Achieve City- Wide Energy Use Reductions.” In Proceedings, 2016 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Monterey, CA.
- 2016. Malini Srivastava. “Framework to Assess City-Scale Sustainability.” Procedia Engineering, v. 145: 1440-1447. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.04.181.
- 2016. Malini Srivastava. “Framework to assess city-scale sustainability.” In Proceedings, International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction (ISCDEC), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- 2016. Huojun Yang (principal author), Malini Srivastava, and Yanmei Xie (contributing authors). “Higher Education on Building Energy and Sustainability in North Dakota.” In Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 10, p. 540-544. doi: 10.17265/1934-8975/2016.09.004.
Selected Grants
- 2017-2019. $99,122. Co-Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. PI: Rajesh Kavasseri; co-PI: Dong Cao, Qifeng Zhang, Dominic Fischer. Sponsor: National Science Foundation SCC-Planning grant. Purpose: ZER0H: Zero Energy Ready Homes.
- 2017-2018. $58,942.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Co-PI: Mike Christenson. Sponsor: North Dakota Department of Commerce (funding from U. S. Department of Energy to NDDOC), North Dakota State Energy Program. Purpose: Efargo research, education, outreach.
- 2017. $9,487.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: North Dakota Humanities Council (funding from National Endowment of Humanities to NDHC). Purpose: Expenses related to Gender Equity Symposium.
- 2015-2017. $40,000.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: City of Fargo (Enterprise). Purpose: Planning, design and research for strategic programs to accomplish city-wide energy reductions.
- 2016-2017. $46,823.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: North Dakota Department of Commerce (funding from U. S. Department of Energy to NDDOC), North Dakota State Energy Program. Purpose: Efargo research, education, outreach.
- 2016. $500,000.00. Senior Personnel: Malini Srivastava (grant-writing lead), Huojun Yang (Engineering grant writer). Recipient: Terry Ludlum (City of Fargo Facilities Director). Supporting Personnel: Nicholas Braaksma (Graduate Research Assistant), Hailong Zheng (Graduate Research Assistant). Sponsor: North Dakota Department of Commerce and Industrial Commission. Purpose: “Landfill gas to Compressed Natural Gas conversion and fast-fill fueling station for City of Fargo Solid Waste fleet.”
- 2015-2016. $105,000.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: North Dakota Department of Commerce (funding from U. S. Department of Energy to NDDOC), State Energy Program. Purpose: Design and implementation of the efargo energy game, the K-12 Energy Challenge, and other pervasive energy games through community outreach events.
- 2015-2016. $25,000.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: North Dakota Department of Commerce (funding from U. S. Department of Energy to NDDOC). Purpose: Collection and analysis of municipal energy use data, recommendations for municipal building assessments and assessments of up to three recommended municipal building types.
- 2015-2016. $20,000.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: City of Fargo (Enterprise). Purpose: Research funding for Clean Natural Gas conversion from city landfill methane production. Research and identify timeline, phase, efficiency of current city building stock for the purpose of being a CNG station. Identify and access grants for the conversion of these facilities.
- 2015. $13,101.00. Principal Investigator: Malini Srivastava. Sponsor: City of Fargo (Planning). Purpose: Research funding for Graduate Research Assistant and staff for efargo, City of Fargo’s participation in Georgetown University Energy Prize Competition (GUEP).
Malini Srivastava