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Coauthoring “The Organizer’s Guide to Architecture Education”

All names below are co-authors: Kirsten Day, Peggy Deamer, Andrea Dietz, Tessa Forde, Jessica Garcia Fritz, Palmyra Geraki, Valérie Lechêne

Program: School of Architecture

The Organizer’s Guide to Architecture Education” results from an extensive co-authoring effort. As seven co-authors, we bring experience in architecture education and practice spanning multiple generations and locales. Our collective journey is marked by encounters with significant shortcomings in the field of architecture, fueling concerns about its present and future. Motivated by these experiences and our strategies for organizing The Architecture Lobby’s Architecture Beyond Capitalism School, we want to direct a pathway for architecture (education) through this guide.

The co-authorship process entailed weekly video conference calls over Zoom attended by all coauthors over the course of 2023. Five collaborative phases emerged: brainstorming, research, round robin, development, and editing. During the first three months of the collaboration, strategies were discussed, establishing the text’s broad argument in a mutually agreed upon outline. Research was then distributed, with each coauthor exploring and synthesizing topical findings.

Halfway into the year, writing began as a round robin [2] rotation of the text, with each coauthor writing a chapter and passing it along weekly until it returned to the original author. Once the chapters were back where they started, each coauthor developed their inherited text into a first draft. In the final edit, we stitched together concepts and unified the voice of the soon-to-be-published text.

View project presentation

Keywords: Co-authoring, Organizing, Architecture Education

Other Collaborators: Routledge Publishing