2012 | Character and Costume: A Jack Edwards Retrospective

Character and Costume: A Jack Edwards Retrospective

In a diverse 50-year career that included New York City, Santa Fe, Hollywood, and Minneapolis, Edwards (a master costume designer) designed memorable costumes for solo performers, opera, Broadway plays, television, Minneapolis' Guthrie Theatre, Hollidazzle Parade, and Dayton's holiday events.

Exhibition Details

Character and Costume: A Jack Edwards Retrospective

  • January 21–May 20, 2012
  • Gallery 241

In the hands of a designer such as Edwards, a performer's stage identity is made visible through costume, hair, and accessories, so that the character he or she portrays is understood by the audience.

Exhibition Images

Character and Costume: A Jack Edwards Retrospective exhibition featuring multiple costumes on various mannequins
Character and Costume: A Jack Edwards Retrospective exhibition featuring multiple costumes on various mannequins
Character and Costume: A Jack Edwards Retrospective exhibition featuring images of multiple costume design sketches