Kristine Miller
Professor, Landscape Architecture
In 2005, Miller co-founded ReMix, a community/university partnership with Juxtaposition Arts. She is also a member of the Urban Farm and Garden Alliance in St. Paul. Her current research explores the perspectives of landscape architects on advocating for equity through practice, reframing the history of landscape architecture around complexity, change, and environmental justice, and the contributions of Clinton N. Hewitt to campus design and planning. Miller holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto’s Trinity College in Humanities and Psychoanalytic Thought, a Master of Landscape Architecture from Cornell University, and a PhD in Landscape Architecture from the Edinburgh College of Art.
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MLA, Cornell University
Ph.D, Landscape Architecture. Edinburgh College of Art
Selected Scholarship
- Miller, Kristine. 2010. Almost Home: Gertrude Jekyll, Gardens and Graves (Environmental Design Archives at the University of California, Berkeley Series). San Francisco: William Stout Publishers.
- Miller, Kristine. 2007. Designs on the Public: The Private Lives of New York’s Public Spaces. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Miller, Kristine. 2005. Art or Lunch: Designing a Public for New York’s Federal Plaza. The Geography of Law: Landscape, Identity and Regulation, Onati International Series for Law and Sociology. London: Hart Publishing.
- Miller, Kristine, Michael Levine and William Taylor (Guest Editors). 2004. The Philosophical Forum, Special Issue on Ethics and Architecture, 35 (2).
- Miller, Kristine. 2002. Condemning the Public: Design and New York’s New 42nd Street. Geojournal, International Geographical Union 58 (2–3): 139–148.
Conference Papers
- Miller, Kristine. 2010. The King Edward VII Sanatorium and Gertrude Jekyll. Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture and International Study group on Multiple Use of Land Joint Conference. Maastrict, The Netherlands.
- Miller, Kristine. 2007. Research and Design: Pedagogical Issues of Landscape History, Theory, and Practice. Society of Architectural Historians. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Miller, Kristine. 2005. Branding the Public at the Sony Atrium. Planners Network Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Miller, Kristine. 2004. Agency, Aesthetics and the IBM Atrium. International Institute for the Sociology of Law. Oñati, Spain.
- Miller, Kristine. 2003. Public Space after William Whyte. Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture Conference. Charleston, South Carolina.
- Miller, Kristine. 2003. Ethics, Politics and Public Space. Environmental Design Research Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Miller, Kristine. 2002. Morality, Urban Design and the Women of Times Square. A Century of Women: Evaluating Gender in Landscape Architecture. Berkeley, California.
- Miller, Kristine. 2002. Ethics, Politics and Design and the IBM Atrium, NYC. Council for Educators in Landscape Architecture. Syracuse, New York.
- Miller, Kristine. 2002. Designing a Public for the New Times Square. Rights to the City, The IGU Commission on Political Geography and The IGU Commission on Geography and Public Policy. Rome, Italy.
- Miller, Kristine. 2001. Public Art in the New Times Square. Australian Cultural Studies Association. Hobart, Australia.
- Miller, Kristine. 2001. Art or Lunch: Designing a Public for New York’s Federal Plaza. International Institute for the Sociology of Law. Oñati, Spain.
- Miller, Kristine. 2001. The Politics of Defining Public Space. Landscapes and Power. Edinburgh, Scotland.
- 2012. Bush Foundation Fellowship.
- 2011. University of Minnesota Imagine Fund. ReMix Reunion, Exhibition and Design Competition for UMN and Juxtaposition Arts Students.
- 2010. University of Minnesota Imagine Fund Annual Award. Think Big, Scale Appropriately: Five Years of Design Based Community Engaged Scholarship in North Minneapolis.
- 2009. University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship. The Public Work of Gertrude Jekyll.
- 2009. University of Minnesota Imagine Fund Annual Award. The Public Work of Gertrude Jekyll.
- 2007. College of Design, University of Minnesota. Dean’s Investment Initiative. Funding to support the evaluation of the Juxtaposition Arts Remix Urban Design Project.
- 2007. University Northside Partnership, University of Minnesota. Funding to support the mapping and evaluation of the Juxtaposition Arts Remix Urban Design Project.
- 2006–2007. Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota. Funding to support new university and community collaborative on art, design and social engagement.
- 2006. Council on Public Engagement, University of Minnesota. Service-Learning Network for the New College of Design. Funding to conduct survey of teaching staff and faculty about their experiences with service-learning and to develop a plan for a new service-learning network.
- 2006. Council on Public Engagement, University of Minnesota. Mapping Change on West Broadway. Funding for interdisciplinary service-learning mapping project.
- 2005–2006. Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota. Faculty Interactive Research Grant. Funding to support community based research on urban design and transit in North Minneapolis.
- 2001–2002. University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship, award to study interior public spaces in New York City developed under the Plaza Bonus Zoning Policy.
- LA8205 Urban Form Options Studio
- LA8301 Research Methods
Selected Honors and Awards
- University of Minnesota Outstanding Partner in Engagement Award for ongoing research, outreach and service-learning work with Juxtaposition Arts.
- Council for Educators in Landscape Architecture Award of Recognition for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service.
- Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship in Landscape Architecture.
- Ralph Rapson Award for Distinguished Teaching.