Hye-Young Kim

Professor, Retail and Consumer Studies

Center for Retail Design and Innovation (CRDI) Director 

Hye-Young Kim is a professor in the Retail and Consumer Studies Program at the University of Minnesota. She also serves as the Founding Director of the Center for Retail Design and Innovation (CRDI). Kim’s research interests revolve around consumer behavior and strategic retail management. Her scholarship in these areas has appeared in leading academic journals, including Journal of Business Research and International Journal of Advertising. Also, as an engaged scholar, she is committed to conduct research that: (a) empowers marginalized communities, (b) describes the complex characteristics of ethnic minority communities, and (c) incorporates the views, concepts, and visions of the communities she studies.

Her external and internal grants have provided support for community-based research and outreach efforts in the areas of ethnic minority entrepreneurship and rural retail revitalization. Also, she has actively sought and secured industry foundation grants from diverse national and regional firms including Target, 3M, Kohl’s, Best Buy, Décor, and Macy’s to enhance student learning and professional development. Kim’s research has been recognized as Best Paper/ Paper of Distinction at International Textile and Apparel Association (2007, 2008, 2010, 2020), American Collegiate Retailing Association (2005, 2008, 2011), and Global Marketing Conference (2012, 2014). She currently serves as Associate Editor for Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.

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Ph.D. The University of Tennessee

M.S. University of North Texas

B.A. Hongik University

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Selected Scholarship

  • Kim, D., & Kim, H-Y. (2023). Social media influencers as human brands: An interactive marketing perspective. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 17(1), 94-109.
  • Huh, J., Whang, C., & Kim, H-Y. (2023). Building trust with voice assistants for apparel shopping: The effects of social role and user autonomy. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 14(1), 5-19.
  • Norton, A., Kim, H-Y., & Zuiker, V. S. (2022). Consumer embeddedness and motivations for farmers market patronage: A qualitative exploration in Minnesota, USA. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 10(3), 11. https://doi.org/10.55533/2325-5226.1436
  • Kim, D., Park, M., & Kim, H-Y. (2022). An influencer like me: Examining the impact of the social status of influencers. Journal of Marketing Communications. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2022.2066153
  • Huh, J., & Kim, H-Y. (2022). Showrooming versus webrooming: Examining motivational differences in omnichannel exploratory behaviors. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593969.2022.2048413
  • Lee, G., & Kim, H-Y. (2022). That’s what I was looking for! Congruence and perceived information relevance of online customer reviews. Journal of Promotion Management, 28(8), 1165-1189.
  • Song, S., & Kim, H-Y. (2022). Is social media marketing worth it for luxury brands? The dual impact of brand page satisfaction and brand love on WOM and attitudinal loyalty intentions. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31(7), 1033-1046.
  • Kim, D., & Kim, H-Y. (2021). Trust me, trust me not: A nuanced view of influencer marketing on social media. Journal of Business Research, 134, 223-232.
  • Joo, B., & Kim, H-Y. (2021). Repositioning luxury fashion brands as intentional agents: The roles of consumer envy and admiration. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 25(4), 606-624.
  • Kim, D., & Kim, H-Y. (2021). Influencer advertising on social media: The multiple inference model on influencer-product congruence and sponsorship disclosure. Journal of Business Research, 130, 405-415.
  • Song, S., & Kim, H-Y. (2020). Celebrity endorsements for luxury brands: Followers vs. non-followers on social media. International Journal of Advertising, 39(6), 802-823.
  • Park, M., Im, H., & Kim, H-Y. (2020). “You are too friendly!” The negative effects of social media marketing on perceptions of luxury fashion brands. Journal of Business Research, 117, 529-542.
  • Sina, A. S., & Kim, H-Y. (2019). Enhancing consumer satisfaction and retail patronage through brand experience, cognitive pleasure, and shopping enjoyment: A comparison between lifestyle and product-centric displays. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 10(2), 129-144.
  • Lee, Y., & Kim, H-Y. (2019). Consumer need for mobile app atmospherics and its relationships to shopper responses. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 51, 437-442.
  • Kim, H-Y., Im, H., Park, M., & Lee. Y. (2018). Hmong-owned small businesses in Minnesota: Implications for Extension educators and program developers. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 6(3), 216-231.

Media Appearances and Interviews

Professional, Institutional, and Community Leadership and Service

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 2019 – Present
  • Conference Co-Chair, American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA), 2017
  • Special Issue Co-Editor, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (JRCS), 2017
  • Editorial Board Member, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 2009 – 2018
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 2015 –2018


Resident and outreach teaching.

  • RM 4123/ApSt 5123 Living in a Consumer Society
  • ApSt 8271 Retailing: Strategic Perspectives   


Selected Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Outreach Award, College of Design, University of Minnesota, 2020
  • Professor Featured in 2018-2019 UMN Driven to Discover Campaign, University of Minnesota
  • Outstanding Team Service Award, College of Design, University of Minnesota, 2019
  • Youngone Best Paper Award, Global Marketing Conference, 2012, 2014
  • Outstanding Research Award, College of Design, University of Minnesota, 2012
  • ITAA Best Paper Award, International Textile and Apparel Association, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2020
  • ACRA Best Paper Award, American Collegiate Retailing Association, 2005, 2008, 2011

Hye-Young Kim

Hye-Young Kim

Specialties & Expertise:

Strategic Retailing Management, Consumer Behavior, Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship, and Rural Retail Revitalization


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St. Paul, MN 55108
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