Student Name: Alvina Salim
Project Name: mokapot+
Course Name: PDES 3771 Fall 2021 | Product Design Junior Studio
Course Instructor: Tejas Dhadphale
The goal of Alvina's project was to identify insights from users, businesses, and technology and translate them into innovative solutions that improve the current coffee brewing/coffee consumption experience for college students. mokapot+ is a relatively inexpensive coffee maker that has a customizable flavor but does not take up much space and produces good quality coffee but requires no expertise in coffee making.
View Alvina's final presentation here.
This is the third studio course for product design majors in which students will further develop skills specific to their selected track/sub-plan. Students apply skills learned in their prior core classes toward several individual product design challenges. Students in the user experience section may explore topics in service design, immersive environments, IoT, digital/physical integration, or smart products. Students in the integrated product development section may explore topics in furniture, medical devices, electromechanical products, consumer electronics, digital/physical integration, or smart products.