Wearable technology has the ability to facilitate pervasive, continuous understanding of and interaction with the human wearer through garment-integrated wearable sensors and interface technology. However, clothing is more flexible, mobile, and intimate than most electronic technologies, and presents unique challenges for design and manufacture.
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- Islam Molla, M. T., Compton, C., & Dunne, L. E. (2018, October). Launderability of surface-insulated cut and sew E-textiles. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 104-111). ACM.
- Islam Molla, M. T., Goodman, S., Schleif, N., Berglund, M. E., Zacharias, C., Compton, C., & Dunne, L. E. (2017, September). Surface-mount manufacturing for e-textile circuits. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 18-25). ACM.
- Berglund, M. E., Duvall, J., Simon, C., & Dunne, L. E. (2015, September). Surface-mount component attachment for e-textiles. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 65-66). ACM.
- Dunne, L. E., Simon, C., & Gioberto, G. (2015). E-textiles in the apparel factory: leveraging cut-and-sew technology toward the next generation of smart garments. In Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality (pp. 636-655). CRC Press.