2023 | Biophilia + Well-being + Design

“Have you ever been awed by the beauty of a mountain or ocean? Have you ever been excited to see a wild animal in its natural habitat? Have you ever stopped to admire a lovely flower or tree? If so, you will understand how nature can impact our well-being. By nature, we mean the natural world and the nested ecosystems within it. This is the ‘non-built’ world of water, air, earth, vegetation, and animals. Humans are part of nature and interact constantly with it in many ways–on the molecular and the larger systems level.” Earl A. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing

Exhibition Details

Biophilia + Well-being + Design

  • January 30 – April 21, 2023
  • HGA Gallery

“BIOPHILIC DESIGN seeks to connect our inherent need to affiliate with nature in the modern built environment.”Stephen R. Kellert

Biophilia + Well-being + Design brings a complete transformation to the HGA Gallery in Rapson Hall, creating a vibrant space to reconnect with nature through Biophilic design. Incorporating natural elements in design is not new. In fact, it is a fundamental connection design has with the living world to create shelter, beauty, and well-being for humanity and all life. Curated by Richard Graves with assistance from faculty, students, and colleagues from the Center for Sustainable Building Research (CSBR), the history, frameworks, and applications of Biophilic Design are nestled amidst lush greenery and plant life.


Exhibition Design: Richard Graves, Josh Lasson, Nathan Davies, Christopher Leberecht, Jennifer Preuss, Rebecca Krinke

Biophiles: Joseph Favour, Mary Guzowski, Mary Jo Kreitzer, Genell Ebbini, Laura Musacchio, Erica Timko Olson