Vincent deBritto
Senior Lecturer, Landscape Architecture
B.Arch, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
MLA, Cornell University
Professional Experience
- Coen+Partners, Minneapolis
- Freelance graphic designer, San Francisco + Minneapolis [Pentagram SF, KTDA, Bohannon Eberts Design, Debra Nichols Design, Bright and Associates]
- Freelance architectural modelmaker, San Francisco
- Intern architect, Hornberger Worstell, San Francisco
Selected Scholarship
- 2014. Saloojee, Ozayr and Vincent deBritto. Visible and invisible infrastructures: Alternative futures in resiliency, failure, and design pedagogy. In Proceedings of the ARCC/EAAE 2014 International Conference on Architectural Research, eds. David Rockwood, Marja Sarvimäki, 418–430.
- 2011. Lapp, Cynthia and Vincent deBritto, eds. The Park Reconfigured: Ecological And Economic Performance Metrics for Multifunctional Landscape Design in The Minneapolis–St. Paul Area. Minneapolis, MN: Mississippi Watershed Management Organization.
Conference Presentations
- 2014. With Cynthia Lapp. Design Duluth. Poster session presented at the 2014 State American Planning Association Minnesota Conference. 3 October 2014, Duluth, MN.
- 2014. Duluth Futures: An Emerging Project in Resiliency, Design and Civic Pedagogy. With Ozayr Saloojee, Cynthia Lapp, Jamuna Golden, and James Wheeler. Paper presented at the 2014 Association for Community Design Conference. 14 June 2014, Detroit, MN.
- 2014. With Ozayr Saloojee, Jamuna Golden, James Wheeler, Kai Salmela, and Cynthia Lapp. Bush Foundation Innovative Communties Grant in partnership with the St. Louis River Alliance and Duluth-LISC. Planning an equitable future for the St. Louis River Corridor.
- 2014. With Ozayr Saloojee, Jamuna Golden, James Wheeler, Kai Salmela, and Cynthia Lapp. Imagine Event Grant to develop art installation in the City of Duluth.
- 2014. Imagine Faculty Grant to study climate policy in the Netherlands
- 2013. With Ozayr Saloojee. Imagine Event Grant to fund publication of student work from joint LA+ARCH studio and develop a symposium on the future of Duluth.
- 2013. With Ozayr Saloojee. IAS Grant to fund development of seminar focused on the resilient infrastructure.
- 2012. With David Pitt. College of Design Investment grant to convert LA3501 to on-line course delivery
- 2012. With Ozayr Saloojee. Institute on Environment Mini-Grant to fund publication of student work from joint LA+ARCH studio and develop a symposium on the future of Duluth.
- LA3003 Case Studies in Sustainable Design and Planning
- LA5374 CAD
- LA8206 Design Duluth
- LA8207 Cities on Water Netherlands and Istanbul
- LA8411 Cities on Water Prep
- LA8554 Project Programming
Selected Honors and Awards
- 2014. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Collaborative Practice Award. With Ozayr Saloojee, Jamuna Golden and James Wheeler.
- 2014. Best Paper Award. Beyond Architecture: New Intersections and Connections, ARCC/EAAE 2014 International Conference on Architectural Research.
- 2012. College of Design Outstanding Teaching Award
- 2011. American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Honor Award. United States Land Port of Entry, Warroad, Minnesota [with coen+partners]
- 2011. American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Merit Award. Private residence on Lake Calhoun [with coen+partners]
- 2010. American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Merit Award. Private residence on Lake of the Isles [with coen+partners]
- 2010. Government Services Administration Citation in landscape architecture. United States Land Port of Entry, Warroad, Minnesota [with coen+partners]
- 2009. American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award and American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Merit Award. Westminster Presbyterian Church Courtyard [with coen+partners]
- 2009. American Institute of Architects Education Award. Remediation as Catalyst: A Collaborative Reworking of Post-Industrial Landscapes [with John Comazzi and Lance Neckar]
- 2008. Government Services Administration Citation in unbuilt work. United States Land Port of Entry, Warroad, Minnesota [with coen+partners]
- 2006. American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Merit Award. Minneapolis Central Library [with coen+partners]
- 2004. Finalist Rome Prize in Landscape Architecture. Cellular technologies and their effect on the use of public spaces in Rome.