Naeun (Lauren) Kim
Assistant Professor, Retail and Consumer Studies
Ph.D., North Carolina State University
M.S., Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
B.A., Northwestern University
Selected Scholarship
- Kim, N.L. & Jin, B.E. (Under review). Does beauty encourage sharing? Exploring the role of physical attractiveness and racial similarity in collaborative fashion consumption. Journal of Business Research.
- Kim, N.L., Jin, B.E., & Kim, T.H. (Under review). Negative and positive contamination in secondhand fashion consumption: Does culture matter?. International Marketing Review.
- Park, J., & Kim, N.L. (Accepted). Examining avatar identification in purchasing behavior from metaverse to the real world. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.
- Kim, N.L. & Kim, T.H. (2022). Why buy used clothing during the pandemic? Examining the impact of COVID-19 on consumers’ secondhand fashion consumption motivations. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 32(2), 151-166.
- Im, H., Kim, N.L., & Lee, H. (2022). Why did (some) consumers buy toilet papers? A cross-cultural examination of panic buying as a maladaptive coping response to COVID-19. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(1), 391-413.
- Kim, N.L., & Im, H. (2022). Do liberals want curbside pickup more than conservatives? Contactless shopping as a protective behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(2), 589-600.
- Ramkumar, B., Woo, H., & Kim, N.L. (2021). The role of brand status and social facilitation in marketing circular fashion service. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(4), 1254-1269.
- Kim, N.L., Woo, H., & Ramkumar, B. (2021). The role of product history in consumer response to online second-hand clothing retail service based on circular fashion. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102457.
- Kim, N.L., Shin, D., & Kim, G. (2021). Determinants of consumer attitudes and re-purchase intentions toward Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) brands. Fashion and Textiles, 8(8).
- Kim, N.L., & Jin, B. (2021). Addressing the contamination issue in collaborative consumption of fashion: Does ownership type of shared goods matter? Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 25(2), 242-256.
- Kim, N.L., Kim, G., & Rothenberg, L. (2020). Is honesty the best policy? Examining the role of price and production transparency in fashion marketing. Sustainability, 12(17), 6800.
- Kim, N.L., & Jin, B. (2020). Why buy new when one can share? A scale development for collaborative consumption of consumer goods. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44(2), 122-130.
- RM 4217 International Retail Markets
- RM 4234 Digital Retail Analytics and Social Media
Selected Honors and Awards
- Best Student Paper Award – Doctoral 1st Place, International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA), (2020)
- Best Oral Presentation Award (2020) – Sustainable Fashion and Consumption Track, International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), 2020
- Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Practices (ESRAP) Best Paper Award for Research, International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2019
- Sarah Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise, International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2018
- Paper of Distinction Award – International Track, International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2016
Naeun (Lauren) Kim

Specialties & Expertise:
Sustainable consumption, international marketing/branding, digital retailing in the apparel industry