May SunMin Hwang
Assistant Professor, Interior Design
Ph.D., Human Factors and Ergonomics, University of Minnesota
M.Arch., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S., Housing and Interior Design, Yonsei University
Selected Scholarship
Hwang, S.M. & Kudrowitz, B. When is a potato too ugly?: Understanding the complexity of aesthetics in produce towards the reduction of food waste, IASDR Conference Proceedings, December 5-9, 2021, Hong Kong
Hwang, S.M., Alfalah, S., Kwon, J.M., & Kudrowitz, B. (2020). Familiarity trumps playfulness: Exploring children’s preferences for playful design of vegetables. International Journal of Food Design, 5(1-2), 43-64.
Hwang, S. M., & Clifford, B. (2021). Project 10- The salt material house project: Designing for death. In O. Pedgley, V. Rognoli, & E. Karana (Eds.), Materials Experience 2 (pp. 153–158). Butterworth-Heinemann. 3.00023-5
Selected Honors and Awards
College of Design Environmental Action Award, University of Minnesota (2021)
College of Design Graduate Student Collaboration Grant, University of Minnesota (2020)
SSRC DPD Fellow (Social Science Research Council-Dissertation Proposal Development), University of Minnesota (2019)
Mass Challenge Accelerator, Recoplatic, Semi-Finalist, Boston MA (2014)
GSEC (Global Societal Entrepreneurship Competition) semi-finalist, Recoplastic, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
MISTI-Spain Fellow (MIT International Science and Technology Initiative), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2014)
MIT School of Architecture - Thesis Archive, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2014)
MIT Merit-Based Half-Tuition Scholarship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013)
May SunMin Hwang

Specialties & Expertise:
Human-Centered Design, Systems Design Thinking, Social Design, Sustainable Design Process, Health & Well-Being