John Koepke
Professor Emeritus
BLA, University of Minnesota
MLA, University of Washington
Professional Experience
- Urban Ecosystems, Minneapolis and St. Paul.
- Jones and Jones, Seattle.
- Charles Tooker, City and Town Planning, Minneapolis.
- James Robin and Bob Close Landscape Architects, Minneapolis.
Selected Scholarship
- Invited book review of Hopewell Ceremonial Landscapes of Ohio: More than Mounds and Geometric Earthworks by Mark J. Lynott. 2014. Oxbow Books United Kingdom and Havertown, PA, USA. Landscape Journal, in press, spring 2016 issue
- Carlson, M. Christine, John Koepke, and Mirja Hansen. 2011. From Pits and Piles to Lakes and Landscapes: Rebuilding Minnesota’s Industrial Landscape Using a Transdisciplinary Approach. Landscape Journal 30 (1): 35–52
- Koepke, John. 2007. Myths and Realities of Ecology, Design, and Ecosystem Health in the Metropolitan Landscape. Landscape Journal 26 (1): 175–176
- Koepke, John. 2005. Redefining Best Practice in Indian Country. Progressive Planning 164 [Summer]. 27–28.
- Koepke, John, and George Holley. 2004. Harmony in the Cahokian World. In A Deep-Time Perspective: Studies in Symbols, Meaning, and the Archaeological Record, Papers in Honor of Robert L. Hall, Melvin Fowler and John Richards, eds. Special Issue of The Wisconsin Archeologist 84 (1–2): 155–164.
- Koepke, John, and Christine Carlson. 2004. Green Infrastructure: A Strategic Approach to Conserving and Restoring Natural Habitats and Functions in Urbanizing Areas-Case Study: Laurentian Vision, Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota. In the Society for Ecological Restoration Conference Proceedings.
- Koepke, John, and Rinita Dalan, George Holley, Harold Watters, and William Woods. 2003. Envisioning Cahokia: A Landscape Interpretation. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
Conference Papers
- 2014. With Cynthia Lapp. Design Duluth. Poster session presented at the 2014 State American Planning Association Minnesota Conference. 3 October 2014, Duluth, MN.
- 2014. Duluth Futures: An Emerging Project in Resiliency, Design and Civic Pedagogy. With Ozayr Saloojee, Cynthia Lapp, Jamuna Golden, and James Wheeler. Paper presented at the 2014 Association for Community Design Conference. 14 June
- 2014, Detroit, MN.Bird, Jeff and Chad Freeland, Northshore Mining Company; Christine Carlson and L. Peter MacDonagh.
- 2014. (Koepke was scheduled to present but do to a medical emergency L. Peter MacDonagh replaced him) Northshore Mining Company: Peter Mitchell Pit Landscape Framework Plan. Society for Mining Engineers Conference, Duluth, MN
Koepke, John. - 2007. The Laurentian Vision: Transforming Pits and Piles into Lakes and Landscapes Regenerating Minnesota’s Industrial Region. American Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Joint Administrators Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Koepke, John. - 2005. Caution: Approaching Indian Country? Indigenous Peoples for the Planners Network Design Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Koepke, John. - 2004. Green Infrastructure: A Strategic Approach to Conserving and Restoring Natural Habitats and Functions in Urbanizing Areas-Case Study: Laurentian Vision, Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota. Society for Ecological Restoration Conference. Victoria, BC, Canada.
- 2015. Institute for the Environment. GIDAAZHOGANIKEMIN-WE MAKE A BRIDGE
- 2012. Iron Range Resources Board. Phase II Landscape Design Plan for Peter Mitchell Mine, Northshore Mining Company [with Christine Carlson].
- 2011. Iron Range Resources Board. Landscape Design Plan for Peter Mitchell Mine, Northshore Mining Company [with Christine Carlson].
- 2010. Iron Range Resources Board. Hibbing Taconite/University of Minnesota Innovation Project [with Christine Carlson].
- 2009 Iron Range Resources Board. United Tac/KeeTac/U of M Innovation Project [with Christine Carlson].
- 2007 Iron Range Resources Board. Mine Engineer training through the Laurentian Vision Partnership [with Christine Carlson].
- 2005 Iron Range Resources Board. Laurentian Vision Coordination and Publication [with Christine Carlson].
- 2002 State of Minnesota Legislative Appropriation. The Laurentian Vision [with Christine Carlson].
- 2001 Blandin Foundation. The Laurentian Vision [with Christine Carlson].
- LA1301. Introduction to Landscape Architecture Drawing
- LA5202. Landscape Analysis Workshop [Lake Itasca]
- LA5203. Ecological Dimensions of Space Making
- LA 5771/3571. Landscape Technology I
- LA 8555. Capstone Studio
Selected Honors and Awards
- Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Outstanding Administrator Award
- Illinois State Historical Society’s Book of the Year Award. Envisioning Cahokia: A Landscape Interpretation [with Rinita Dalan, George Holley, Harold Watters and William Woods].
- Northshore Mining Company: Peter Mitchell Pit Landscape Framework Plan with M. Christine Carlson, et al., American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Planning Merit Award
- Mined Lands: A Field Guide, with M. Christine Carlson American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Communications Honor Award
- American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Merit Award. Cannon Valley Trail Master Plan.
- American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter Lob Pine Award. Recipients have demonstrated exemplary leadership and mentorship for our landscape architecture community over an extended period of time. The award is named after prominent pine trees that were trimmed to create distinct visual reference points for early voyagers in the boundary waters of Minnesota and Canada.