Barry M. Kudrowitz
Professor, Product Design
Head of the Department of Design Innovation
Selected Scholarship
- Kudrowitz, B. (2023). Sparking Creativity: How Play and Humor Fuel Innovation and Design. Routledge.
Book Chapters
- Kudrowitz, B. (2021). Designing Developmentally Appropriate Toys. In D. Bergen (Ed), The Handbook to Developmentally Appropriate Toys. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Kudrowitz, B. (2014). Emerging Technology in Toy Design. In J. Follett (Ed), Designing for Emerging Technologies. (237-254) O’Reilly Media.
Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- Kwon. J.G & Kudrowitz, B. (2022). Concept evaluation dilemma: Presentation effect on product concept evaluation in the new product development (NPD) process. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation (TDCI).
- Hwang, S. G, Alfalah, S. G, Kwon, J. G & Kudrowitz, B. (2021). Familiarity Trumps Playfulness: Exploring Children’s Preferences for Playful Design of Vegetables. International Journal of Food Design.
- Schifferstein, H.N.J., Kudrowitz, B. & Breuer, C. G (2020). Food Perception and Aesthetics – Linking Sensory Science to Culinary Practice. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology
- Tran, K. U, Kudrowitz, B. & Koutstaal, W. (2020). Fostering Creative Minds: What Predicts and Boosts Design Competence in the Classroom? International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
- Kwon. J. G & Kudrowitz, B. (2018). Good Idea! Or Good Presentation? Examining the Effect of Presentation on Perceived Quality of Concepts. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design and Manufacturing: Special Issue on Design Creativity. 32(4). 380-389.
- Leeds, A. U & Kudrowitz, B. (2018). Mapping Idea Space: Exploring Divergent Thinking through Mind Mapping. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. 7(1-2), 16-29.
- Kudrowitz, B. & Dippo, C. U (2014). When Does a Paper Clip become a Sundial? Exploring the Progression of Novelty in the Alternative Uses Test. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science: Special Issue on Applications and Theory of Computational Creativity. 17(4), 3-18.
- Kudrowitz, B., Te, P. U, & Wallace, D. (2012). The Influence of Sketch Quality on Perception of Product-Idea Creativity. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design and Manufacturing: Special Issue on Sketching. 26(3), 267-279. Most downloaded of AI EDAM 2012.
- Kudrowitz, B. & Wallace, D. (2012). Assessing the Quality of Ideas from Prolific, Early-Stage Product Ideation. Journal of Engineering Design: Special Issue on Design Creativity. 24(2), 120-139.
- Ludden, G., Kudrowitz, B., Schifferstein, H., & Hekkert, P. (2012). Surprise and Humor in Product Design. Humor: The International Journal of Humor. 25(3), 285–309.
- Kudrowitz, B. & Wallace, D. (2010). The Play Pyramid: A Play Classification and Ideation Tool for Toy Design. The Journal of Arts and Technology. 3(1), 36-56.
Refereed and Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
- Hwang, S. G & Kudrowitz, B. (2021). When is a Potato too Ugly? Understanding the Complexity of Aesthetics in Produce towards the Reduction of Food Waste. IASDR 2020 [With Design].
- Kudrowitz, B. & Davel, R. U (2021). First Impressions Matter (Maybe More than Prior Design Experience): The Predictive Power of Soft-Skills on Student Performance in a Team-Based Design Course. IASDR 2020 [With Design].
- Hwang, S. G, Alfalah, S. G, Kwon, J. G & Kudrowitz, B. (2021, August). Playful Design and Children’s (dis)Liking of Plant-Based Vegetable Food Products. Creative Tastebuds.
- Kwon, J. G & Kudrowitz, B. (2019, July). The Creative Cookie Challenge: The Impact of Creativity, Typicality, and Aesthetics on Consumer’s Choice. Southern Oregon University Creativity Conference, 2019.
- Kwon, J. G & Kudrowitz, B. (2019, August). The Sketch Quality Bias: Evaluating Descriptions of Product Ideas with and without Visuals. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. Anaheim, CA.
- Kwon, J. G, Bromback, L. U & Kudrowitz, B. (2017, August). Divergent Thinking Ability + Interest = Creative Ideas: Exploring the relationships between cognitive creativity assessments and product design idea generation. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. Cleveland, OH.
- Wang, X. G & Kudrowitz B. (2016, November). Language Ability in Creativity Assessment. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity (4th ICDC). Atlanta, GA.
- Leeds, A. U & Kudrowitz B. (2016, November). Exploring How Novel Ideas are Generated in Mind Maps. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity (4th ICDC). Atlanta, GA.
- Kudrowitz, B., Free, A. U & Hough, L. (2016, November). Identification of Personality and Cognitive Indicators of Creative Potential. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity (4th ICDC). Atlanta, GA.
- Kudrowitz, B., Alfalah, S. G, & Dippo, C. U (2016, September). The Mary Poppins Effect: Exploring a Relationship Between Playfulness and Creativity with the Alternative Uses Test. International Conference on Design and Emotion. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Alfalah, S. G, Kudrowitz, B., & Vickers, Z. (2015, November). Playful Design and Children’s (dis)Liking of Vegetables. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Food Design. New York, NY.
- Pilgrim-Rukavina, N. U & Kudrowitz, B. (2015, November). Exploring the Effects of Warm-up Games, Criticism and Group Discussion on Brainstorming Productivity. IASDR InterPlay 2015. Brisbane, Australia.
- Johnson, K. U. & Kudrowitz, B. (2015, November). A Relationship between Physical Construction Play as Children and Adult Creativity Scores. IASDR InterPlay 2015. Brisbane, Australia.
- Dippo, C. U & Kudrowitz, B. (2015). The Effects of Elaboration in Creativity Tests as it Pertains to Overall Scores and How it Might Prevent a Person from Thinking of Creative Ideas During the Early Stages of Brainstorming and Idea Generation. ASME Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology 2015. Boston, MA.
- Kudrowitz, B., Oxborough, A. U, Stover, E. G & Choi, J. (2014, June). The Chef as Designer: Classifying the Techniques that Chefs use in Creating Innovative Dishes. Design Research Society Conference 2014. Umea, Sweden.
- Kudrowitz, B. & Dippo, C. U (2013, August). Getting to the Novel Ideas: Exploring the Alternative Uses Test of Divergent Thinking. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences 2013. Portland, OR.
- Kudrowitz, B., Te, P. U, & Wallace, D. (2011, October). The Influence of Sketch Quality on Perception of Product-Idea Creativity. IASDR2011, the 4th World Conference on Design Research. Delft, Netherlands. Reviewer’s Favorite
- Kudrowitz, B. & Wallace, D. (2010, October). Improvisational Comedy and Product Design Ideation: Making Non-Obvious Connections between Seemingly Unrelated Things. International Conference on Design and Emotion. Chicago. Nominated for Best Paper.
- Kudrowitz, B. & Wallace, D. (2010, August). Assessing the Quality of Ideas from Prolific, Early-Stage Product Ideation. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. Montreal, Canada. 381-391.
- Kudrowitz, B. & Wallace, D. (2008, July). The Play Pyramid: A Play Classification and Ideation Tool for Toy Design. International Toy Research Association 5th World Congress 'Toys and Culture'. Nafplio, Greece.
University of Minnesota
- PDES 3711/5711 Toy Product Design
- PDES 3701/5701 Creativity, Idea Generation and Innovation
- PDES 3702/5702 Concept Sketching and Rendering
- DES 3715 Food and Design
Selected Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Teaching, College of Design, University of Minnesota (2015)
- Founder’s Day Teaching Award, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota (2015)
- McKnight Land-Grant Professorship. University of Minnesota (2016 )
- Horace T. Morse University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. University of Minnesota (2020)
Barry M. Kudrowitz
Specialties & Expertise:
Perception, Evaluation, and Testing of Creativity, Play and Humor in Design, Creativity and Idea Generation Tools, Design of Food, Concept Visualization and Sketching, Product Design Education