The Viking Terrace Health Outcome study combines a residential health outcome study, post construction building evaluation, ecological impact assessment, and a cost analysis. This broad view renders a clear image of both the potential and challenges of sustainable building and brings together the disparate disciplines of public health, design, and construction.
Located in Worthington Minnesota, the Viking Terrace Apartments project is one of the first Green Communities grantees. The project undertook the rehab of a 1974 three-building apartment complex of 60 units. The rehab added fresh air ventilation to units, mold abatement, low-VOC materials, integrated pest management, improved moisture management, increased insulation and air sealing of the envelope including new energy-efficient windows and roof structure, and installation of a geothermal heating and cooling system with individual unit control.
CSBR Lead:
William Webber
Other CSBR Staff:
Rachel Hilvert, Research Fellow
Rolf Jacobson, Research Assistant
Project Partners:
The National Center for Healthy Housing
The Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership
Principal Investigators:
Dave Jacobs, PhD, NCHH; John Carmody and William Weber, CSBR
Research Team:
NCHH: Rebecca Morley, Carol Kawecki, Susan Aceti, Jill Breysse; SWMHP: Jorge Lopez, Kristie Blankenship; GMHF: Amy McCoulca, John Harrington; CSBR: Rachel Hilvert (Research Fellow); Rolf Jacobson (Research Assistant)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Enterprise Community Partners
Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota
The McKnight Foundation
Related Links:
Viking Terrace Health Outcome Study
National Center for Healthy Housing