The Minnesota Department of Commerce funded a three-year research study to characterize the performance of ground source heat pumps in Minnesota. Thirty-seven houses from across the state were enrolled in the program, and extensive monitoring of critical system performance parameters was conducted for two years. These data were used to identify in situ performance of the various systems in heating mode and cooling mode. A selection of representative coefficients of performance (25th percentile, median, 75th percentile) were then entered into energy models and compared to the performance of conventional gas-fired furnaces and air conditioners to measure relative energy and carbon emissions performance in eight house configurations. These houses differed in size and enclosure thermal performance to simulate the range of house types represented in the monitored houses. The study is complete, report publication pending by MN Department of Commerce.
CSBR Lead:
Garrett Mosiman
Other CSBR staff:
Rolf Jacobson, Research Fellow
Juyong Shin, Research Assistant
Other Partners (identified by name and/or organization):
Cold Climate Housing Center
Pat Huelman, PI
Tom Schirber
Mike Lebeau
System One