Innovative, Affordable, High-performance & Moisture-managed

Working with affordable housing developers and builders in Minneapolis, three houses of identical layout and different wall assemblies will be measured and compared with regard to speed of construction, cost of construction, airtightness, and energy use.
Additionally, multiple builds of houses using the U of MN-designed SEP-ETMMS wall assembly will track construction time and cost reductions. Adaptation of the SEP-ETMMS assembly for multifamily construction will be pursued by homebuilders in the Denver area. As of fall 2017, the three comparison houses have been completed, with monitoring equipment to be installed in the near future. In addition, Habitat for Humanity of the Twin Cities will be starting a second SEP-ETMMS house in early November 2017.
CSBR Lead / Co-leaders:
Daniel Handeen, Co-PI
Garrett Mosiman, Co-PI
Other CSBR staff:
Rolf Jacobson, Researcher
Cold Climate Housing Center
Pat Huelman, PI
Tom Schirber, Researcher
Other Partners:
Urban Homeworks
Habitat for Humanity
Thrive Builders (Denver)
Building Knowledge, Inc.
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