Thank you for your interest in the College of Design! External transfers are handled centrally at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Office of Admissions. To learn more about the transfer admissions process and start your application, please review the Office of Admissions Transfer Admissions Timeline.
Pre-Application Steps
Review Application Deadlines
Admissions for the fall and spring semesters each have two deadlines—priority and regular. View application deadlines here.
Determine Your Program
Students applying to the College of Design apply directly to one of our seven undergraduate programs. Explore the programs here. Students cannot be admitted as undecided or undeclared. If you have questions about your four-year plan or other academic information contact the Transfer Admissions Counselor.
Review How Your Credits Will Transfer
- U of M Liberal Education Requirements: Use Transferology to see how transfer courses from other schools may fulfill U of M liberal education (general) requirements. For classes not listed in Transferology or on regional transfer guides, prospective and admitted students can submit course materials on the central University Transfer Credit Evaluation webpage to be reviewed by faculty in our academic departments. The Office of Admissions reviews your transfer courses to determine the transferability of credits to fulfill elective and/or liberal education requirements. You will receive a transfer credit report that outlines the outcome of that course review.
- Design Studio Coursework: Separately, the College of Design will review your transcript to identify studio coursework taken outside of the U of M–Twin Cities that may possibly fulfill a major requirement(s). If you have such coursework, you will receive an email from [email protected] with instructions for submitting the coursework for faculty review. Please submit your coursework as promptly as possible. If you believe you have transferable studio-based courses but have not received an instructional email within two weeks of your admission notice, please contact [email protected].
Note: It is not common for faculty to approve transfer studio courses to meet upper-division major requirements. Non-studio based major courses may be petitioned through your academic advisor once you begin your courses in the College of Design. - Review Transfer Guides: Review the University-wide Electronic Transfer Guides for all colleges/programs.
Application Review
- Review Factors
- Application Tracker
- Decision Timeline: Decisions will be issued via your Application Tracker 4-6 weeks after submission.
Post-Acceptance Steps
- Confirm Your Enrollment
- Review the recommended hardware for your program here.
- Initiate Accounts
- Attend Orientation