Student Name: Jerritt Smith
Project Name: TouchSense CPAP
Course Name: Product Design Senior Capstone
Course Instructor: Carlye Lauff
Jerritt Smith wanted to find a way to improve the experience of those traveling with sleep apnea. His device TouchSense is a touch screen CPAP device with an integrated interface that caters towards the creature comforts of users in its features and establishes an emotional connection with the user. This is unlike top competitors on the market which look like medical appliances, purely serving the purpose of CPAP therapy. The touch screen CPAP concept provides the highest utility interface than any other top CPAP device on the market. This enables the user to build a stronger connection to their device, which is important because they will be using it each night.
View Jerritt's final presentation here.
Students synthesize and apply design and research techniques to a senior capstone project. Projects can be student-directed or client-sponsored and are intended to demonstrate competency in fundamental design skills, communicating and documenting design processes, and the ability to apply design processes to develop new products and services while addressing real-world constraints. These are individual, self-directed design projects.