Student Name: Jack Garanzini
Project Title: HEMOTEC
Course: Product Design Senior Capstone
Course Instructor: Carlye Lauff
In an effort to reduce neonatal mortality within NICU units in hospitals, Jack Garanzini created HEMOTEC, a sensor cartridge system that makes isolette systems (incubators for newborn infants) more intuitive for nurses to reduce care inconsistencies. They learned from NICU nurses that isolette systems were "clunky and unorganized". HEMOTEC brings isolettes into a position of modern medical device compatibility that can more easily evolve alongside future technological advancements
HEMOTEC works by pumping a patient's blood through tubing by a peristaltic pump. That blood is then run through the cartridge which houses the sensors to determine its vital levels. The blood then exits the cartridge and is run through a stopcock which adds heparin to it where it is then returned to the patient. The innovation of this system is effectively shown as the blood is being constantly tested and monitored which negated the need for individual blood tests, resulting in more constant care adjustment which benefits both the patient and the nurse alike.
View Jack's final presentation here.
Students synthesize and apply design and research techniques to a senior capstone project. Projects can be student-directed or client-sponsored and are intended to demonstrate competency in fundamental design skills, communicating and documenting design processes, and the ability to apply design processes to develop new products and services while addressing real-world constraints. These are individual, self-directed design projects.