About the program
Professional curriculum
Our undergraduate landscape architecture program focuses on building skills and knowledge to create, plan, and preserve landscapes for human use, ecological function, and climate resilience. The eight-semester curriculum prepares students for the professional practice of landscape architecture, which includes site design and development, urban design and planning, regional planning, and the design of climate-resilient, sustainable landscapes across a broad range of types and scales.
LAAB Accreditation
This is a new program (accepting students beginning in Fall 2021). As such, it is not currently accredited by the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board (LAAB). We intend to seek professional accreditation after our first graduating class of BLA students in 2025, according to the procedures outlined by LAAB. LAAB procedures on initial accreditation state:
A program can apply for accreditation once it meets the Minimum Requirements for Achieving and Maintaining Accredited Status and has had at least one graduating class. Accreditation applies to degrees awarded within two years prior to initial accreditation by LAAB.
Accreditation by LAAB will assure the quality of our program and that our graduates have the skills and knowledge required to practice landscape architecture and take the professional licensing exam.
Project-based learning
The curriculum centers on the method of project-based learning, where students complete projects that mimic the scope of professional practice knowledge and skills. Once admitted to the landscape architecture program, you will begin with two semesters of courses in fundamental aspects of design. You will then advance to the professional curriculum, which features six design studios, supplemented by knowledge and skills-focused courses. These practice-oriented courses will teach you to design, draw, and present landscape projects incorporating knowledge of history, theory, and construction that will build professional competencies. All landscape architecture students must complete an internship.
Degree-required internships are intended to be a new experience that brings you to a heightened level of professional development. For more information about the landscape architecture required internship visit the major-specific page.
Studying abroad enriches your learning by exposing you to diverse cultures and built environments. Landscape Architecture students can customize a learning abroad experience anywhere in the world, or study globally with courses we’ve helped to shape or have pre-approved, such as in Sydney, Dublin, or London. In addition to semester-long options, Landscape Architecture faculty propose shorter, three-week offerings at the beginning of each summer.
Apply Now
The centralized online application will guide you through the necessary materials and steps.